Lost Another Thursday

Posted Friday, September 11, 2009 by yours truly in Labels: , , , , ,
It's Saturday, the stamp-date for this post clearly reads Friday but I'm typing this a day later. I had a game on Thursday. I wasn't able to post anything about it that day; I was exhausted and I just completely forgot. I tried to write something about it yesterday (on Friday). I went as far as creating a post for it, along with a title, but I never got to writing up the content. Now that I finally feel a genuine obligation, I will write for two days, if not three.

On Thursday, we had our first real soccer game. We were against this school. Our game was away, while the Varsity had theirs on the turf at our school. Before taking the 45-minute bus ride to the school where the JV team would be playing at, I played around with Christine's Nikon D40. I was immediately in love. Well, I suppose love is a bit exaggerated. I was awed by the quality of the pictures. I can't say I want a Nikon D40, though I told my friend that I did while I carefully snapped shots of a few stepped on (and completely disgusting) yellow mushrooms. I want the Nikon D90. It's over 1,000 dollars. It's very prestigious and I'm foolish for wanting it in the first place. Oh well.

The ride to to the school wasn't that interesting. I fell asleep and then coach was slightly annoyed when she realized that I hadn't put on my gear during the bus ride.

They scored 2 goals on us within the first 10 minutes. I was out of it the first half of the game. I don't know why I wasn't being as aggressive as I could have been and going in for the ball. I could easily come up with excuses: our team wasn't spreading out, 2 or 3 people from our team would go after for the ball at a time. I couldn't go in and send the ball far outfield as my position requires. I would most likely be interfering and that would only worsen the situation. I found myself sprinting back often because the offense on the opposite team would somehow get the ball past me. I didn't go for the balls as I should have, even when there wasn't anyone on my team near. I just watched as they got closer - and watched as they got passed me.

I want to say the second half was better, I guess it was, but it wasn't really an improvement.

I don't know what the final score was, I just know that we didn't score any goals, and they scored numerous goals on us.

There was no practice on Friday for JV, even though the rain had stopped by the time that I arrived home. Yesterday, I went home early for the first time this year. True, it's only been a few days, but oh Lord, did it feel great! Then I was so bored. I probably should have done school work, instead of complaining about it and telling numerous people that I would do it, when I actually did NOTHING. Sitting at the computer, I was almost wishing that there was practice. It gives me something to do. It gives me something to pass my time. Even though it's torturous sometimes, I really like it.

Today was our second game. I can't remember who it was against, but the turn out wasn't as devastating as the other game. I arrived at the school at 10 AM (earlier than I had expected), then I remembered that I forgot to put in my contacts. We turned around and drove to the house so I could do that. If it were a practice, I wouldn't have cared, but it was a game, so yeah... I needed them. I ended up arriving on time, 10:15.

We were in an evenly matched game. Whatever goals they did score on us, it was just out of pure chance. They were somewhat more impressive when it came to passing, but nothing compared to the other team. That team was BADASS. I made a lot of mistakes during the game, but we all did. I just have a habit for focusing more on my mistakes than what I did good. I kneed the ball towards the goal twice (terrible mistakes, THANK GOD those slip-ups of mine never gave the opposing team a goal). I missed a header. A lot of offensive players got passed me with the ball, so I always found myself chasing after them at a full sprint. I don't know how I managed it, but I was always so winded afterward. Overall, I think I did a good job, though. I passed the ball off the side often, although sometimes it would come back right at me. I despise goal kicks! I have to practice them. They always end up in the center or absolutely no where. I managed to do one header. It wasn't entirely successful, well, I suppose it was. I cleared the ball off to the side, but I could have managed one that stayed up in the air, rather than bouncing down onto the ground before returning to the air. I was aggressive throughout the game. I pressured and often got the opponent to slip-up.

At one point in the game, I was pressuring a girl who caused me a lot of trouble on the other team (I was always going after her, and often she would get the ball by me). This one time while I was up against her, she kicked the ball into my thigh and it fell onto the ground. It fell between my feet, but I wasn't aware of that. So, I turned circles once, maybe twice before realizing the ball was underneath me. I could hear the other team laughing. It was so embarrassing.

In the end, the score was 0 to 2. We were so close!

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