Talk about Faith

Posted Sunday, April 05, 2009 by yours truly in Labels: ,
I'm against it.

=/ I feel so bad for people like you who seriously believe that religious bull shit.... You all just really need help...

I've noticed that you never have real answers for anything I say. You can twist my words and spit them back at me, or make degrading remarks about my beliefs, but that's as far as you ever get. Why is this?

Because I don't see the point in arguing you anymore about it. You're so lost in the belief that God is the almighty creator, you really can't see anything else besides it. So... what's the point of really getting into it? I'll listen to what you have to say, because it helps remind me that people like you do exist and well... it's a problem? Anyway, if I did argue with you, I'd probably be saying the same things over and over. Evolution, science... basically, just because we want to believe in something doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Science exists no matter what we believe. It's proven. The bible is just crap that /could/ have happened years and years ago, but it has been changed and twisted tons of times to the point where it‘s irrelevant. Anyway, you do good things from your idiotic and biased beliefs. As long as you keep that up and you idiots don't start another war, then I'm alright with it. Starting to get the gist of the whole reason I don't argue with you anymore? You know, I always knew you were a strong Christian, but for some stupid fucking reason I thought I could make you "see the light" of science. You'll be a fucking Christian until you die and go absolutely nowhere because heaven and hell are bull shit. Well, hey, that saves you from hell, doesn't it? I'd say go screw up your life, but I bet it's already screwed up, so whatever. I hope this will be the last long comment I’ll have to leave you. And think about it, what sets your religion apart from the others around the world? What makes Christianity more believable and probable than the religions from other cultures? Don’t ignore the question.

That's the difference between you and me, I think. You see me, someone who holds views that are the polar opposite of the ones that you hold, and because of that you see me as being a lost cause; unworthy of the time it would take to engage my mind. I, on the other hand, read your messages and am filled with the desire to re-engage your interest in the conversation, because I care about you (which, at this point, you probably cannot fathom). Now; you addressed several points in your last comment, and to tell the truth, I cannot remember each and every one. However, I do remember the ones that I think are the most pressing.

I agree that just because one would like to believe that something is real or true, does not mean that the given belief is actual fact. I would like you to think about what I have just said there; does that statement not apply to evolution as well as to varying religions, even mine?

I'll have to finish this a little bit later. But I will finish it.

"However, I do remember the ones that I think are the most pressing. " If you don't remember them just change windows and fucking review it. That's complete bull shit, and if I and you were in a serious argument for debate or something, that would be viewed as evading topics you cannot answer and that only weakens your side of the argument. And if you took this conversation less seriously, maybe I might believe you about the whole forgetting thing.

I'm not saying you're completely a lost cause, just in the area of sensible knowledge, logic, and processing new ideas since the old ideas of your religion seem to be distracting you from the modern discoveries.

Had a feeling you might mention something like that. SCIENCE proves evolution and... the other areas in science that I would run through right now but won't because that would be a waste of time. And you avoided the question again. Why does your religion stand apart from the other religions of this world? Don't answer my question with another one. I'll just assume you can't answer it... and you'll probably be pressing me to repeat a previous answer of mine anyway; that's not fun, not creative and a waste of my time.

You know what you should do? Go live with the Amish people, people who are aware of the modern world but prefer to live apart from it. Just like you, you're aware of science and what it has brought, but you prefer to stick to your religion which is just as likely as any other religion or maybe even a religion I create myself, right now. Of course I would have to build on it, right? Like with all the other religions of this world? To explain all the different aspects of life? And what am I explaining with it? Not science, that's for sure, because I DON'T BELIEVE IN IT. Oh yes... I'm just making shit up.

So, we started with Adam and Eve, huh? Who just magically appeared because God willed it so. What happens then? A talking snake comes along, convinces one of them to eat an apple or w/e shit.... What does this all sound like to you? Sort of sounds like some childs fairy tale. Just because you have stories that talk about morals, it doesn't make it real. Just because it partially makes sense, doesn't mean it's 100%. And that's what all you idiots believe. I'm not just talking about you overly-religious bastards if that makes you feel any better about your idiocy.

And when you answer this, don't focus on how I'm talking to you, or how it seems I'm holding you in contempt (though I am), talk about the topics I'm talking about, alright?

Well, that took me a total of 5 minutes.... (= If you can't equal this length or near it then I'm not replying.

Oh shit! This just came to me... isn't everything on Earth, in life created by God? The animals, their emotions, their environment? And when you said "God did not create sin"... well, yeah, actually he did... unless we're so independent now that we don't live by God's rules and so we create our own and in this process we created sin? Well... if then... what's the point in following "the bible?" Actually, no... we created the bible didn't we? During the time AFTER ADAM AND EVE... mm... don't you think the bible would have been more liable, well... when Adam and Eve were still here? Not after when we all became corrupt? Or no? Are not all men corrupt? But it seems the church has discovered many forms of sin? Simply from just being gay? Right? Or divorce?

And also, list me the basic laws of creation. I'm interested to hear what it has to say. Wait... didn't we create those basic laws of creation? Isn't that odd? Or did one of the prophets speak for God? Although we continuously break the rules that "God" set for us... why does he still bother with us? "To give in to your nature is a weakness that God will not stand for." Wow... it never stops does it? The sin? Going against God? 1 second after the other? Well, good luck answering this. You know, I didn't realize until just a few minutes ago how many holes you created in your patchwork (patchwork being your religion) with just those few sentences from an earlier post of yours.

Okay, I have to tell you, I sure am glad that you got that rant out of your system. The reason my last reply was so short is because I had all of five minutes to be on the computer. I didn't have time to go back and review every last detail of your comment, let alone address each individually. I told you I'd come back to it.

I think I'll pass your accusations, and start with your first coherent argument. "Science proves evolution", you assured me. The theory of evolution has never once been proven. Chris. There are as many, or more, pieces of real, concrete, physical evidence against it as there are for it. I'm not telling you to go read the Bible and believe that Evolution is false because of that; I'm telling you to look at what scientists have uncovered in their research. Everyone on this planet has the same evidence, it is just a matter of how we interpret what we have.

My religion stands apart from other religions because my God can be seen in everything. We bear His image as people, our consciences tell us the difference between right and wrong as decreed by God. Buddha did not write on our hearts, neither did Osiris, and neither did Zeus.

Nothing else in your first comment can be answered, because you did not ask any further questions. Moving on;

I think you're confused on what sin actually is. The way you put it, it seems to me that you think sin is actually something tangible, and that it is a created thing. It is not. Sin is simply the failure to obey a command; it is a verb, not a noun. God did not create sin, God created law. When we as humans decided to make up our own version of what is 'right' in our own eyes, we fell from grace. That is sin; the action of disobedience. Now, you are going on and on with this point, but you've lost a crucial element to the puzzle, here. As soon as we fell, no, before that, a series of event were set in motion as part of God's divine plan. The rest of history from that point on is a story of redemption, which ends two thousand years ago with the death and resurrection of Christ, the perfect sacrifice. You asked why God even bothers with us anymore; that's what I was trying to get you to understand. He bothers with us because he still loves us. He has always loved us, and He always will. All this may sound like a silly bedtime story to you, and if it does then I cannot tell you how truly sorry I am, but to me it all sounds like a treasured lineage. To think that in spirit I have become a daughter of the Most High, that he loves me enough to have died for such a pitiful creature as myself, one who could never merit such a sacrifice , it is the most amazing thing.

If in the end, by some cruel twist of nature, it turned out that there really is no purpose to this life we live; I have to tell you, I would take the "fairy tale" any day. But I have a faith that you cannot understand, and are not likely to understand any time soon. My life is dedicated to a higher purpose, and no amount of ridicule or contempt will shake my foundation.

Have a good day, Chris. =) I'm glad this makes you happy.

Evolution is proved from the discovery of genetics and how genes differentiate organisms but also in the process we can conclude that they are similar. It's also visible similarities that we use as well as genetic ones. I watch science channels, apart from you apparently. There is proof in those science channels. There's discovery, and there's a reason they're aired. It's to educate the people of this world, to keep them up to date and not living in the past.

Do you believe in ghosts or vampires, Dread? There have been hundreds of stories about vampire encounters and thousands of ghost encounters. Should I believe that they exist because of primary sources that are probably just looking for a good reason to piss their pants or to get some attention? Vampires are something of our imagination, ghosts as well. What about witches? You ever heard about the Salem Witch Trials? People believed anything they wanted to thousands of years ago, even merely just hundreds of years ago. But by reviewing our history we can make reasonable decisions about what is fact and what is fiction. Religion has always been a big part of our race because religion explained things thousands and centuries ago. In Egypt, God's were named and given to whatever that was plentiful and necessary for survival, the Nile, the sun, the moon, etc. The difference with your religion is... well, first off, it's monotheistic, but it was mostly taken from another religion, Judaism, I think? If anything, all you Christians should be Jewish. A religion changes as people change, stuff is added to it, added to it to keep followers, to increase the number of followers and to explain the new things that come with the progression of time and also to set laws for new problems and issues that arise. On the other hand, science changes (not really changes but is added to) as we discover new things about our physical and newly discovered chemically-balanced view of the (I guess) environment. Sorry if I'm getting wordy, it just happens sometimes.

Also, why can't life be created by more than one superior almighty being? Why does it have to be one? Does that have to do partly with our natural hierarchy of life that requires someone/thing on top? Classes, castes, etc? Just like how natural forces in nature work together, like gravity and magnetic forces, positives and negatives work together why can't there be more than one creator, or rather, life supplier working together?

And of course topics in my first comment can be answered by you. Just because it's not a question doesn't mean you can't contradict it, or reply to it. Does it? No. Stop avoiding topics and making excuses.

Um, no. Not all nouns are tangible first of all. Sin was created by man when we "failed to obey God's commands," from what I get from your religion. By creating rules, you also create the possibility for people who break them. LOGICALLY, a law or command cannot exist without the option of it not being followed. So, when you say God did not create sin, but he created law- by creating law he also created sin. So YES, GOD DID CREATE SIN. That's why things will never be equal and there will never be peace. Setting standards, we should know that not all people can achieve them. "You asked why God even bothers with us anymore," yes I did ask that. But that was for arguments sake, I already knew you were going to tell me that God still "loves" us. I don't even need to read the bible for that. Every person who isn't Christian can just assume that you Christians believe that God still loves us or you guys wouldn't follow him, now would you? ha... defiantly not a bed time story, those are usually entertaining and it's usually something relaxing, not something completely stupid that pisses me off. This "story" just seems to repeat itself and express things that I already know and find utterly ridiculous. That's what you people like about religion and what you like about Christianity. The sacrifice of Jesus for all humans, and the feeling of importance in a world that seems too chaotic and most times ignoring of you. You also like to know what you're dealing with, you like to know that there's something after death and that you also have something to live for in life. And so you created Heaven, but then you thought that the Heaven you created at first wasn't worthy to some of the people that you lived with and so then you created Hell, just for them. I understand your faith, but I don't respect it. Religion has always held people back in life. It keeps people from thinking new and different ideas because often when it happened, the religion would lose followers. It also causes problems, hundreds of years ago, it brought forth the Crusades. A holy war. A complete oxymoron. And then it had people killing other people. Though religion has become more tolerant of differences, it's still not something that can be relied on.

By the way, you should read the Shack. I'm not religious but I thought it was good. Also see Knowing with Nicholas Cage.

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