Strange Obsessions

Posted Monday, August 31, 2009 by yours truly in Labels: ,
It's odd, but I think I'm a bit OCD? I'm not OBVIOUSLY OCD, but there are things that seem to bother me for no real reason.

Some LETTERS. Whether capitalized or lowercase, I can't stand them. K, for instance, I absolutely despise how terribly it fits in into sentences, into paragraphs. I don't think I mind it as much when it's starting a sentence, or when it's capitalized in general, but it still bothers me. M is another issue for me. It's so bulky. It just looks so strange. The lowercase m's aren't any better. I don't like lowercase l's either. Sometimes, I exchange words so I don't have to use the l. Like with the word "looks", sometimes I might change it to "appears", or something else.

There's also something with formatting that bothers me. Sometimes I can stand letters, other times I can't. It depends on where in the sentence they are, if they're near a comma or if they're at the beginning of a sentence.

I don't like when people go from capitalizing to not capitalizing in whatever they're submitting. I don't usually mind, I do it myself, sometimes, but sometimes it does really bother me.

I also don't like when people go from capitalizing to not capitalizing in survey's. I usually stay with one, but sometimes people use both and it just bothers me. I also prefer the survey questions to be capitalized. If they aren't, I'll probably go through and capitalize them. I was given a survey that's over 300 questions, all the questions aren't capitalized, and whenever I get to the survey, I'll probably deal with that issue. I prefer ending my survey answers with a period, as well, most times.

So many random things bother me, I can't recall them all, because they're just so random and they make no sense, I just don't bother with remembering them.

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