Need to Escape

Posted Saturday, August 29, 2009 by yours truly in Labels: ,
I wish I could really explain how I was feeling. I know something's wrong, but what's wrong? Why can't things just be simple for once? For a moment?

I think I know what the problem is.

I have been trying to avoid so many emotions, and trying to forget about so many things that caused me pain.

There's no more help in talking to my therapist. It's the same thing over and over again.

What should I do?

All my problems that I thought I solved, are returning to my conscious with a new strength that I can't fight in my weakened state.

What problems, though?

Am I making things up? Am I over thinking this?

Something's wrong, but am I searching for an answer in the wrong place?

Is my search ultimately worsening my situation?

Are these words, words from my subconscious to push my conscious into deeper despair?

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