Just Barely Escaped

Posted Wednesday, September 02, 2009 by yours truly in Labels: ,
I've been having very vivid dreams recently. I'm going to try and recall the one I had last night. I told my mom about it this morning, before she left for work. I stirred some vegetables in the frying pan while I talked about it. I remembered it very clearly in my mind, but I had trouble finding words for it. In all, though, I found it very easy to talk about, which is something I don't experience for most dreams. Often, soon after waking, I cannot really remember my dreams.

I'm with my mom and we're on another one of our vacations. I'm not sure where I am, but I know that I'm in a cab and... I think my mom's sitting in the passenger's seat, and I'm in the back. The cab driver and my mom are talking. That doesn't surprise me, she's always talking to cab driver's. Sometimes it annoys me, but other times it can be interesting. So, anyway, I'm peering out the window, taking in the sights, although I can't recall them now. I do remember crossing a bridge. I also remember taking my camera out and trying to take pictures. The pictures I'm taking aren't coming out that great, they don't usually when I'm taking them from the car.

We aren't sure where the hotel we're staying at is. We find a place that could be it, and so my mom wants me to go check it out. I don't remember getting out of the car, and I have no idea where the cab is, but I walk into the building. I get the feeling that the hotel was nicer than I had expected. The room that I walk into from the entrance is white, but a room next door to it is red and I find myself interested and wanting to walk into it. There are people surrounding me, I remember that most of them had black hair, and they all spoke a language I didn't understand. I want to say that they were Chinese, or some variation of Asian, but I don't really remember.

I'm not sure what happened, but what I remember next is that I'm standing in front of bookshelves. They're lined with small books, they're hard cover. I remember seeing a Ripley's Believe It Or Not. I remember flipping through a few of them, but I can't remember what they were titled or what their contents were.

Then, I'm thrown into a whole new situation.

What I just mentioned about the bookshelves, I can associate it with the vacation, I don't know why, but it's a connection I don't know the reason for, but I know that it exists.

I have a family in this new situation, my own family, not just one member, but 3 or so. There's something terribly wrong with this family I'm in. I can't explain it, I'm trying to, but it's not making any sense. There's some power, something deadly, something dangerous that exists. It's a power that's transferred. It's transferred to my husband, and possibly my children, but I don't remember.

I'm in the kitchen, I don't know how I got there, or why. The feeling that something terrible is going to happen washes over me and I quickly open the top drawer and grab for the butcher's knife. I run out the doors and my husband is chasing after me. He's screaming at me, and he's waving something around, a weapon most likely, but I can't remember what it was. It was probably a knife similar to the one I was clenching in my hands.

He's slowly making his way closer to me, and I can see my children behind him. I can't remember what they were doing, or if they were there at all... the feeling that they were there is coming to me now, as I write this, so I'll just assume they were behind him.

I'm doing that running/jumping/flying thing that they have in those martial arts movies. It's something that occurs often in my dreams, especially when I'm escaping from something.

He's closer, he's nearly underneath me. I'm not high from the ground, he could almost grab me and pull me down, but he isn't tall enough.

I see a fence ahead of me. It's wooden and it's tall. I use all my strength and get over it successfully. I vaguely remember my husband saying something about how he'll find me later, along with other threats, but I can't remember those.

He's also upset about something else. I killed my own child, that's what he tells me... I don't know remember... it's a baby, and it's buried in the ground. I see my husband, frantic, and clawing at the earth, as if I'm right next to him, but I'm not.

Now I'm somewhere else... I can't describe it. Somehow I've also made an ally, someone who will help me. It's a man, and I can't remember much about him, only that I felt safe with him.

It's as if, by jumping over that fence, I jumped into a new place entirely. I didn't jump over and land on the grass, on the other side, the same grass only split into two parts by the fence.

I sense that my husband is near, but he's no longer my husband, and he's no longer a man, he's something else... something I can't describe, something I can't remember.

He's throwing, what seem to be swords, at me. I'm pressed against a wall that's near the part of the wall that has three different depths. I move to the first indent in the wall, the sword misses me and meets with the wall of the indent next to me. I move there next, and the sword he throws next goes to the spot where I just was, and then I move a last time, to the last indent. The last sword he throws misses me.

Then the man who promised to help me, does. He saves me from having to save myself for a fourth time.

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